This Could Be Hindering Your Prayers, but Pastors Aren’t Preaching About It by KATHY DEGRAW for Charisma News
You’ve prayed the same prayers to no avail. You become discouraged praying and often wonder if God hears your prayers. But are we following the biblical way of praying? Are our pastors and leaders instructing us to pray Jesus’ way?
There are many different ways to pray. We know for a fact that prayer works! What about the times we pray continually and don’t see any progress? Could there be, not a better way, but a more effective way? I don’t want to say praying one way is better than the other. I do believe God hears all prayers. However, when we look at the way Jesus prayed, should we be following His example.
I’ve been to several different churches and tried many different denominations in my young-adult years. Except for one church, I never heard a message preached on praying audibly or the power of our words. As I minister around the world and pray out loud, and decree and declare, people look at me as if it is foreign. They are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with it. They haven’t been taught to do it.
When we look at how our Father God created, He spoke to things. Jesus, when healing and delivering spoke aloud to the spiritual atmosphere, demons and health conditions. He prayed out loud. He modeled how to pray. David in Samuel cried out and called out, which is with an audible voice. As we search Scriptures further when they prayed to God, we find action-audible words such as “say, “said, “cried,” “called” and “spoke.”
In the Bible, prayer was audible. However, we haven’t been taught to pray audibly, and if we have, we are intimidated because our prayer might not sound as good as another person’s; therefore, we hold back.