Jesus Christ: A Name So Powerful People Call You A Bigot for Using It

Jesus Christ: A Name So Powerful People Call You A Bigot for Using It by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

Tucker Carlson is one of my favorite commentators and about the only corporate media news that I watch. Tucker Carlson doesn’t actually report on news so much as provide commentary on current events. He speaks his mind and he speaks clearly and directly.

Throughout 2019 Mr. Carlson has been speaking truth directly to power, so-much-so that I have turned to my wife on a number of occasions and told her that I wouldn’t be surprised to read about a “one car accident” that ended his life or “suicide” from jumping out a window or two gun shot wounds to the back of the head like Vince Foster when he committed “suicide”.

Tonight’s opening monologue is as strong as he has done this year. Directing his comments squarely at the people that have made a mockery of the latest Christian oppression in Sri Lanka. When you have people in positions of authority, like Hillary and Barak Obama, and these people twist the language to avoid using the word Christian or Jesus Christ you know there is a coordinated effort of oppression. The words “Easter worshippers” had never in history been used until Sunday when both of these buffoons used the phrase. If you would like to alienate millions upon millions of people around the world simply mock their religion, mock their God and see what happens.

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We didn’t see any of this type of nonsense or hear this type of BS when muslims are killed. No one avoided, at all cost, using the words muslim or islam. The lunatic Prime Minister of New Zealand even adorned herself with an hijab to show “solidarity” with the muslims. Will she now adorn herself and display a crucifixion in solidarity with the Christian community? I don’t know about you, but I’m not holding my breath.

These satanic globalist are all the same. They fear the name Jesus Christ and must attack Him and His power at every turn. These very evil people know and understand the global populist, retadationalization uprising is gathering steam, gathering momentum and they fear they will not be able to stop it. You know what, they won’t be able to stop it. We the people have had it with these filthy evil satanic globalist and the fact they ruin everything they touch. It is as if they feel it is their job to make ugly everything that is beautiful, to paint black everything with Light. It’s not working and the people are standing up all over the world.

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