French Conservatives Furious Over Plans To Rebuild Notre Dame With Modern Materials from ZeroHedge
Conservative French politicians are outraged over President Emmanuel Macron’s suggestion that modern materials like steel, titanium and carbon be used in the reconstruction of Notre Dame as the president seeks to fulfill his promise of finishing the project within five years.
Marine Le Pen, leader of the Rassemblement National, the right-wing party formerly known as the National Front, lashed out at her former presidential rival on Twitter. Responding to a tweet by French PM Edouard Philippe about an international architectural competition to replace the 19th-century spire, which collapsed during the fire, Le Pen tweeted #Touchepasnotredame – or hands off Notre Dame.
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) April 18, 2019
In his tweet, the PM questioned whether the spire should be made out of the same materials, or whether it should even be rebuilt at all.
According to the FT, Macron’s promise to rebuild the cathedral within five years would probably be impossible if builders had to source, season and fit the type of massive oak beams used in the original construction.
Meanwhile, Jordan Bardella, a 23-year-old rising star of the far-right who is leading the RN into the European elections in May, mocked the idea of a contemporary roof for the cathedral, instead demanding an “identical” reconstruction while condemning the prospect of “some awful piece of contemporary art, modern art.”
Bardella told a French television station: “We have to stop the madness now. France’s heritage deserves the utmost respect.”
But Le Pen and RN weren’t the only ones attacking Macron over his suggestion.
Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the Republicans, the party of former prime minister Nicolas Sarkozy, also demanded that the reconstruction be identical to the original, while Francois-Xavier Bellamy, the head of his party’s list for May’s European Parliament elections, suggested that Macron and his ministers were guilty of arrogance and haste in trying to second-guess experts for the rebuilding of the cathedral.