Love Through Discipline…
There are studies that are beginning to reveal the whole “Dr. Spock” method of child rearing made popular in the 1960’s, 1970′ and beyond are actually part of the overall problem our world has today. You can’t place children in bubble wrap and hug their poor behavior into correction. What the Bible teaches is real discipline, not hugging it out but repentance. This is how I learned love. My mother, single parent, didn’t want me and two brothers to grow up disrespectful hoodlums so, she didn’t “spare the rod”. We were never abused but we were disciplined, usually followed by loving moments of explanation and remorse by all involved.
We see this is exactly what scripture teaches us. Not too much said about hugging it out.
Hebrews 12 NKJV
7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?
8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.
9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?
10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness.