Texas Abortion Bill Could Put Women, Physicians On Death Row

Texas Abortion Bill Could Put Women, Physicians On Death Row from ZeroHedge

bill under consideration by Texas lawmakers would ban abortion across the state and charge any woman who has one  – and the physician who performed it – with homicide, according to NBC NewsThe charge can carry the death penalty in the state.

Introduced by Republican Rep. Tony Tinderholt – an Air Force veteran who was placed under state protection over death threats – the “Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act” (H.B. 896) is necessary to make women “more personally responsible,” according to Tinderholt.

The Texas lawmaker introduced a similar bill in 2017, however it failed to leave committee.

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During Monday and Tuesday committee hearings on the bill, around 500 people testified in favor of it – of which 54 were against the bill, according to the Washington Post

“A living human child, from the moment of fertilization on fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum, is entitled to the same rights, powers, and privileges as are secured or granted by the laws of this state to any other human child,” reads the text of the bill.

Texas Rep. Matt Krause (R) who sits on the Texas Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurispurdence which heard the bill noted on Facebook that it was “the first legislative hearing since 1973 on this topic.”

Democrats on the committee blasted the bill.

“I’m trying to reconcile in my head the arguments that I heard tonight about how essentially one is OK with subjecting a woman to the death penalty … to do to her the exact same thing that one is alleging she is doing to a child,” said Democratic Rep. Victoria Neave during the hearing, according to the Washington Post.

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