Repeat After Me – “There Is No War On Christianity” by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
You’re hallucinating if you believe there is some kind of “war on Christianity”. Tune into to most any corporate media outlet and they will be happy to tell you so.
Breitbart News World Edition has two articles showing the extreme contrast happening in our world today. One of these article has a chance of being reported by corporate media while the other will never see the light of the day in corporate media world.
First up – the article that has an opportunity of catching some light in corporate media world:
Denmark Threatens Woman Critical of Islam with Removal of Foster Child
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph. D.
A Danish supervising authority has threatened Danish-Iranian blogger and author Jaleh Tavakoli with the removal of her foster child after she shared an online video of a murder by Islamic State terrorists in Morocco.
The Social Supervisory Authority informed Ms. Tavakoli that the approval of her and her husband as foster parents had been rescinded and that their eight-year-old foster daughter — whom they have raised since her infancy — may be taken from their home because, they were told, “you do not have the necessary quality to have children in your care.”
Ms. Tavakoli has reportedly been charged under Danish law for sharing the video of the jihadist killing of Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Maren Ueland. While Tavakoli admitted to sharing the video, she said she believed it to be in the public interest to do so, as she was trying to inform people of the grave threat posed by Islamic terrorism.
The letter from the Supervisory Authority states that Tavakoli’s “participation in the public debate” compromises her role as a foster parent and that her choice “to expose yourself and communicate politically” is considered incompatible with the task as a foster family.
Notice the government is demanding a private citizen bow before the Islamic terrorist deity allah in the once Christian nation of Denmark. This nation has lost it’s soul and traded it for…not sure. Oh, I remember the state has total control of peoples lives and tell them what is acceptable and what is not. It doesn’t matter if the parents are attempting to teach, according their standards, what their foster child should learn. We can’t have that in a dystopian nightmare.
If recent events in Nigeria and China regarding Christian slaughter and oppression are being ignored the second article we are going to present, also from Breitbart News World edition, will never ever see the light of corporate media.
Christian Graves Desecrated in Indonesia as Islamism Rises
by John Hayward
The Jakarta Post on Monday reported on a rash of desecrations directed at Christian graves in the city of Yogyakarta, a spree some local residents believe was a targeted act of intolerance rather than random vandalism. A rising tide of hardline Islamism has become a major factor in the impending Indonesian presidential election.
The Jakarta Post quoted speculation from local officials that homeless people might have taken the wooden crosses from at least 11 graves in the Bethesda Hospital cemetery and used them for firewood, but the families of the deceased were skeptical, noting crosses have never been stolen before even though homeless people have long made camp near the cemetery. The wooden crosses are temporary markers placed on graves for the first thousand days after a funeral, in accordance with local custom.
One family member thought his loved one’s grave might have been desecrated to “provoke Christians living in and around Yogyakarta,” which the Jakarta Post described as a “de facto Islamic sultanate once known as a beacon of tolerance.”
Why is it acceptable for radical islamic terrorist to run rough-shot through neighborhoods, communities and nations and the governments do nothing or they actually encourage terrorist behavior by adorning themselves in hijab’s or calling for a day of a national muslim prayer.
I wonder why nations like Italy, Austria, Hungary, Brazil and many more coming online, are turning towards a retraditionalization form of government. I wonder why people, especially white, Christians are turning toward populist leadership that are willing to build a border that keeps out border jumpers or stops ships filled with border jumpers from coming ashore. hmmmm.