Was Jeremiah 11:11 Repeatedly Inserted Into The Movie ‘Us’ To Send A Cryptic Message About America’s Future? by Michael Snyder for The Economic Collapse Blog
As soon as Jordan Peele’s smash hit “Us” was released in theaters, hundreds of thousands of people started searching Google for Jeremiah 11:11. We are never told what it actually says, but it appears repeatedly throughout the film. As you will see below, there is a lot of speculation that it was inserted for more than just entertainment value. Many have noted that the entire movie appears to be some sort of a metaphor for America as a whole, and even the title “Us” could also be be interpreted as “U.S.” if you just use a little imagination. I know that this article is a departure from what I normally write about, but stick with me, because I think that you will get my point by the end.
“Us” stars Academy Award winning actress Lupita Nyong’o, and right at the opening there is a homeless man holding a cardboard sign that says “Jeremiah 11:11”. But that is not the only time it appears. Subsequently, either “Jeremiah 11:11” or “11:11” keeps popping up throughout the film…
11:11 was seen numerous times throughout the movie. We saw it first on the homeless man’s sign at the fair in Adelaide’s flashback, which reads Jeremiah 11:11, alluding to the biblical scripture. Later on, the Tethered version of the man has “1111” gouged in his forehead. Young Adelaide’s “Thriller” shirt that her dad wins for her is prize number 11:11.
As the Wilsons settle in to their vacation home, the number 11 pops up everywhere. Like when Gabe’s watching the Giants game, the score is tied 11-11, and when Adelaide is tucking Jason in at night, the clock, it’s 11:11.
Clearly an all-effort was being made to draw our attention to Jeremiah 11:11, but nowhere in the movie are we given the text of the verse. Here is what it says in the Modern English Version…
Therefore thus says the Lord, Surely, I will bring calamity upon them which they will not be able to escape. And though they cry to Me, I will not listen to them.
That is a very ominous verse, and it comes in the context of an entire chapter in which Jeremiah is warning the people of Jerusalem that judgment is coming because they have violated their covenant with God. The following comes from Screenrant.com…
Chapter 11 of the Book of Jeremiah, where the quote in Uscomes from, warns of a covenant that has been broken between God and the people of Judah and Jerusalem, and the suffering that will follow as a result of this broken covenant. The chapter recalls the agreement made between God and the people of Israel during their Exodus from Egypt that they would be obedient to the word of God: “Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear, but walked every one in the imagination of their evil heart.” This takes us up to Jeremiah 11:11, where God promises to bring evil upon the people as punishment for breaking their ancestors’ covenant, and warns that he will not listen to their cries.
And pop culture site Denofgeek.com has pointed out that just like the ancient people of Judah, we also have our own “false idols”, and this is a major theme in “Us”…
The people of Judah are being punished for worshipping false idols. In a modern sense, the sort of things that have become our false idols are money, celebrity, technology, media etc. We see Elisabeth Moss’ family who also have Tethered equivalents constantly worshipping these false idols, always on the phone, spending lots of money etc., relying on a digital butler named Ophelia.
Normally horror movies are not this deep.
Usually there is just a bunch of blood and gore, and most of them are definitely not worth watching.
But in this one, it appears that someone was either intentionally or unintentionally trying to send some sort of message, and once this film was released “Jeremiah 11:11” suddenly became one of the hottest search terms on Google…