The Myth of Stored Food

The Myth of Stored Food by Pete Thorsen for Survival Blog Many preppers think if they merely store food then they are done–that they have saved their family. And that might be true if they experience a natural disaster in their area which does not allow shopping for a week or so. They have their stored food and just use that during the emergency. Later–if they remember they buy replacements for the food they used–they made their family much more comfortable during that emergency by having that stored food. Plus…


3 Powerful Promises From God When You Pray and Fast

3 Powerful Promises From God When You Pray and Fast By Ronnie Floyd for Faith Wire There are many promises God makes in His Word in regard to the blessings we will receive through prayer and fasting. In my book, “The Power of Prayer and Fasting,” I talk about seven specific promises. I want to mention three here that I trust will bless you as you read. I have seen each of these promises come true in my walk with God, and I’m confident they also can live in you, through…


Become A Christian? (Podcast)

Become A Christian? Podcast by Ravi Zacharias for Let My People Think Why would someone want to become a Christian if it seems like you have to give up so much? Does living a life of earthly pleasures give just as much joy? Today on Just Thinking, Ravi Zacharias and RZIM Speaker Vince Vitale are closing out the Q&A session at Penn State with these questions on Christianity. MP3 Download / Listen HERE>>> More at RZIM>>>



MORONI WEEPS: MORMON CHURCH REVERSES CONTROVERSIAL LGBTQP ANTI-BAPTISM POLICY AND BEGINS TO MAKE ROOM FOR GAYS AND TRANSGENDERS by Geoffrey Grider for Now the End Begins The church’s First Presidency, its top governing body, announced Thursday that while it still considers same-sex marriage to be a “serious transgression,” queer church members in these relationships will not automatically be treated as apostates, or individuals who in the church’s eyes have turned away from the principles of the gospel.“Instead, the immoral conduct in heterosexual or homosexual relationships will be treated in the same way,”…


This Belgian Nurse Watched Euthanasia Turn Pain Management Into A Death Prescription

This Belgian Nurse Watched Euthanasia Turn Pain Management Into A Death Prescription By Lillian Quinones for The Federalist Upon administering a lethal dose, the doctor left the room. But the patient was not dying. For Sophie Druenne, a palliative care nurse working under the Belgian physician who had approved the euthanasia request, this was a breaking point. “The situation was so absurd that we were laughing,” Sophie told me at the start of our interview. “We had to call the practitioner back to tell him that the patient was still alive…


Migrant Surge Overwhelming Resources Along U.S. Border, Say Charities

Migrant Surge Overwhelming Resources Along U.S. Border, Say Charities by XX for Breitbart The surge of Central American migrant families and unaccompanied minors is overwhelming charitable organizations along the border who are tasked with providing shelter and aid. Recent changes in Border Patrol policies led to migrants being released directly to shelters instead of being turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials. Directors of shelters are now scrambling for volunteers and resources to meet the demand for temporary housing and assistance to migrant families released by Border Patrol agents.…


Who Is He? (Podcast)

Who Is He? Who Is The Antichrist (Podcast) by Janet Parshall for Moody Radio Who is the antichrist—and how will we recognize him when he appears? What advance signs will herald his rise to power? Does God’s Word identify him as the military leader “Gog” in Ezekiel? Disputing recent speculation that this mysterious figure could be a Muslim or a Jew, our apology expert will explore what Scripture does and doesn’t tell us. Podcast>>> Continue Reading / Podcast / In the Market with Janet Parshall>>>


Three New Reasons to Question Vaccine Effectiveness Amid “Anti-Vaxxer” Censorship

Three New Reasons to Question Vaccine Effectiveness Amid “Anti-Vaxxer” Censorship by Melissa Dykes for TruthStream Media There are a lot of reasons people question vaccines in a country with the most aggressive vaccine schedule in the world where citizens are not allowed to directly sue vaccine manufacturers for vaccine-induced injuries. While the censorship rages against the so-called “anti-vax” community to shut down online content that even questions the safety and effectiveness of vaccines on various platforms including YouTube, Facebook, and even Amazon, it’s quietly coming out all over the place…