The Unbelievable Story Behind the Doctor Who Plays an Abortionist in ‘Unplanned’

The Unbelievable Story Behind the Doctor Who Plays an Abortionist in ‘Unplanned’ by BILLY HALLOWELL for Charisma Mag

Dr. Anthony Levatino is a gynecologist who performed around 1,200 abortions early in his career before a stunning change of heart left him sickened and distraught, transforming him into an outspoken pro-life advocate.

Levatino, who still practices medicine, plays an abortion doctor in the new hit film Unplanned, a movie that tells the real-life story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director who fled her clinic and became one of the most prominent pro-life voices in America.

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The doctor recently told “The Billy and Justin Show” all about his background, revealing that he was initially pro-choice in the 1970s and early 1980s when he was studying and later operating his independent practice.

But then his perspective started to change. Listen to Levatino tell his incredible story at the 32:30-mark:

Levatino and his wife were having difficulty conceiving, so they started the adoption process. During that time, he recalled recognizing a difficult juxtaposition: he was performing abortions and ending babies’ lives while he and his wife were working diligently to find a child to adopt.

“We were fortunately able to adopt a child after a considerable amount of effort,” he said, noting that his wife ironically got pregnant right after the adoption.

With a son and a daughter suddenly completing Levatino’s family, he continued performing abortions—until a tragedy changed everything.

“Our daughter, Heather, whom we had adopted, was two months shy of her 6th birthday when she was struck and killed by a car out in front of our home,” he said.

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