Are You Unwittingly Opening This Gateway to Evil? by BECKY DVORAK for Charisma Mag
We can activate God’s wisdom with our words. When we speak healing words, we allow ourselves and others around us to heal, and this is activating the wisdom of God. But this form of communication is not always practiced daily by Christians as it should be. And this is the gateway to many sins and their consequences, sickness and disease, and other forms of the curse.
Proverbs 10:19 tells us, “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.” Have you noticed that excessive talkers always seem to be in trouble with someone? This is because they have not learned the practice of controlling their words. And they blurt whatever comes to their minds, and offend many people. But people are not the only thing they cause harm to, they also cause harm to their physical bodies as well.
Words are powerful, and when used as they should be release healing power into all areas of life. Proverbs 12:18 tells us, “There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise is health.” Wise words promote healthy relationships, healthy business deals and healthy bodies too.
Examine your life. What areas are weak and sickly? Now do a more thorough exam and ask yourself how you have been speaking over these areas. If you have been complaining about your spouse, especially if you have been doing this on a consistent basis, that relationship will be sickly. If you are griping about work, your business dealings won’t be as strong as they could be. If you are confessing that you are sick and tired of this, that and the other thing, guess what? Your body will be sick and tired. It will obey your command.