Russia Plans Massive Jesus Statue On Site Previously Reserved for Lenin & Stalin

Russia Plans Massive Jesus Statue On Site Previously Reserved for Lenin & Stalin by J. P. Mauro for Russia-Insider

GNN Note – I have been working on a thesis for more than a year that shows a piece of the “russia did it” narrative is based on the fact that Russia is a hardcore Christian nation. The Russian people, by the will of Jesus working through the people, has all but eliminated abortion. This is further proof the entire narrative we have been fed about “The Russian Bear” is a lie. The Russian nation and the Russian people are exactly the same as you and I.


Equal in height to the Christ the Redeemer monument in Rio de Janeiro, the Russian statue would actually rise higher than its Brazilian counterpart, as it would stand atop a 98-ft-tall pedestal, bringing the total height up to 223 feet. — The plans await approval from the Russian Orthodox Church before ground can be broken.

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The city of Vladivostok, the largest city in far eastern Russia, would like to erect an enormous statue of Jesus Christ atop a hill that was once set aside for a monument to the Soviet communist leader, Vladimir Lenin. Although the construction has not yet been authorized by the Russian Orthodox Church, the prospect of a large statue of Christ overlooking the Pacific Ocean has many of the Russian faithful excited.

In 1972, Soviet officials ordered the construction of a 98-ft-tall bronze statue of Lenin to be placed on the site, with a second statue of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin planned for a neighboring hill. Difficulties with the planning, however, caused the projects to be postponed repeatedly until they were ultimately scrapped around 1990. Since then the hills have been left bare.

Photo courtesy of Vyatsky Center

The designs for the Christ statue — published by Russian media outlets — show that it would stand 125 feet high, which is the same height as the Christ the Redeemer monument in Rio de Janeiro. The statue would actually rise higher than its Brazilian counterpart, as it would also stand atop a 98-ft-tall pedestal, bringing the total height up to 223 feet.

In an interview with Russia’s Govorit Moskva radio station, Gennady Tsurkov, the head of the Vyatsky Posad center, said the statue had been inspired by Iliy, an influential monk who is the spiritual adviser to Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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