Figuring out what God is calling us to is simple really by Steve MorrisĀ for Christian Today
I am a parish priest and people often come to speak with me. It is one of the wonders of the job seeing people come alive to God and be inspired to do something to express that love. The question I get asked is, ‘how am I called to mission?’
It’s tempting to feel inadequate and wonder how on earth we can use our gifts. Some people get themselves in a knot because they have not heard from God directly as to their path. I wonder, though, if the answer is hidden in plain sight.
I think that God wants us to live life to the full and be as much of a blessing to our communities as possible. In a way he has already spoken on this and our job is to, well, get on with the job.
Four years ago, I started at my current parish, St Cuthbert’s North Wembley. We have a smallish congregation but what a heart they had for the lost and lonely! We decided to have the simplest vision we could up with ā to be a blessing in this place. The question that followed, of course, was where is this community hurting most?
The answer was that many, many people were lonely and isolated. Many of these were elders and some were suffering with dementia. On a whim, we decided to set up a memory cafƩ. All we needed to do it was a warm room and a kettle. The session was simple and consisted of lots of fellowship and friendship, a few quizzes and many rounds of tea and biscuits.
This week just gone we had more than 100 people at our cafƩ. It has come on a bit since we started. We have a choir, led by a local concert pianist. We have a seated exercise session led by a trainer. Our choir has sung at Southwark Cathedral and we have other gigs coming up.