DARPA Begins Development of Secure, Open-Source e-Voting System by Zayan Guedim for Edgy.app
GNN Note – And you thought Diebold was bad. What about google, who owns DARPA, running the elections? Can you say evil, sure you can. Everyone that wants to vote will be able to vote, citizen, non-citizen, dead, alive, legal, illegal, in the country out of the country – all of which will be counted properly and above board.
To ensure the security of the U.S. election system, DARPA is proposing new a new e-voting system that is not only impervious to hacks, but also allows people to verify their votes were correctly tallied.
In July 2016, a dozen professional hackers tied to the Russian government infiltrated the servers of the Democratic National Committee and released thousands of confidential emails via WikiLeaks.
The ongoing FBI investigation revealed that hackers targeted voter registration systems in 20 states and successfully breached four databases.
The audacious DNC hack was an attempt to influence the U.S. presidential election and hit the American democracy as a whole in its heart.
This unprecedented cyber attack showed just how vulnerable the American election system is and how urgent is the need for an overhaul.
DARPA’s new American E-Voting System
Ahead of the last midterm elections, Congress allocated $380 million to states to be spent on upgrading voting equipment and improving the security of their election systems.
Most states use aging voting machines that are prone to failure and errors, and are susceptible to hacking and fraud.
Now, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is developing an open-source electronic voting technology that would be secure and let voters ensure their votes weren’t manipulated.
Per Motherboard, DARPA awarded a $10 million contract to Galois, a cybersecurity firm based in Oregon, to design a secure e-voting system.
Instead of closed-source proprietary software currently used by voting machines vendors, the new system will be entirely open-source to make it as verifiable and transparent as possible. The system will also use secure and open-source hardware developed at DARPA.