Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For Trump Twice

Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For Trump Twice By  for The Federalist

GNN Note – I can’t tell you the number of times I have turned to my wife and said something to the effect of – every time the democrats (corporate media/interchangeable) open their mouth they push another 10, 100, 1,000 people to the Republican party. Alexandria Cortez is the gift that keeps on giving. Every time she opens her mouth her popularity numbers, according to a recent Gallup poll, drop and as DNC President Tom Perez said “she is the future of the democratic party”. Good luck with that.


I am a highly motivated Trump voter because the Democrats have motivated me up to my eyeballs. I have never been more motivated in my life, because the Democrats are terrifying me.

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This article includes rhetorical uses of profanity.

It’s a damn shame I have to wait another 20 months to vote for President Trump. I wish I could do it now. Twice. Or better yet, in as many jurisdictions as I can. Preferably in every swing district and every swing state.

Yeah, yeah, I know — sadly, I can’t. It’s been a hell of a ride these past couple of years, and I sure hope it doesn’t end next November.

I am a middle-of-the-road Republican who voted for Trump with the utmost reluctance in 2016. He sure wasn’t perfect. He was no Cicero, either––though he can give a decent speech when the chips are down. He had a few extra skeletons rattling in his closet, especially compared to colorless non-entities like Jeb. So yeah, I was queasy about voting for an ex-registered-Democrat-from-New-York-and-possible-liberal-now-turned-Republican.

Was I worried? Hell, yeah! Was I depressed? You bet. But, really, what options were there? Hillary? Jill Stein? Seriously? Trump wasn’t my first choice or my second choice or my third choice, but by the time November 2016 rolled around, Trump was the only choice on the menu. So I swallowed hard, took a leap of faith, and pulled the lever for the Donald.

Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen Are Non-Issues For Me

And let me tell ya, every time one of these newly minted Democratic “stars” opens their mouth, the same thought goes through my mind: Thank God for Trump. Trump is my last line of defense. Trump is the only thing that stands between me and these hallucinogenic socialist nut jobs. Trump is what’s keeping chaos and left-wing insanity at bay.

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