Christian Converts from Islam Regularly ‘Bullied’, ‘Threatened’ in Netherlands

Christian Converts from Islam Regularly ‘Bullied’, ‘Threatened’ in Netherlands by Thomas D Williams, Ph. D. for Breitbart

Dutch Christian relief organizations report that Muslim immigrants who convert to Christianity are regularly threatened or bullied, with some saying they get death threats “every single day.”

In an article published this week by Crux, a U.S.-based online Catholic news outlet, three former Muslims living in the Netherlands relate the hostility they suffer for their decision to convert to Christianity.

One man, an Iraqi national named Faradoun Fouad, said he converted in 1999 and soon after began receiving death threats.

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“Directly after my conversion to Christianity I received the first threats. People who I thought were my friends, became my enemies,” he said.

“Even Muslims who are not very conservative told my wife that they would kill me,” Fouad said. “I’m still getting threats every single day.”

He said the threats take different forms, through phone calls or text messages, and even though he has reported them to the police several times, the threats continue.

In Islamic law, apostasy — conversion from Islam to another religion — is punishable by death.

Another convert by the name of Jassim, who immigrated into the Netherlands from Morocco, said he gets called names in public and also receives threats but has no regrets about becoming Christian.

“I finally found peace in my heart, and now I’m honestly happy. I’m now also praying for my family members who are Muslim. When I was a Muslim myself, I wasn’t allowed to pray for my Christian partner or for my atheist friend,” he said.

Jassim said that he, too, had printed out eight pages of threats and took them to the police, who advised him to keep his new faith to himself to avoid problems, which he has refused to do.

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