Prophecy: We Must Stand in Agreement With God’s Word Over President Trump by ROBERT HENDERSON for Charisma Mag
As I have diligently prayed for my president, Donald J. Trump, I have become aware of some things prophetically. First let me say that my mandate to pray for my president came in a dream within a week of him being inaugurated in January 2017. In the dream President Trump came to me and asked me to be his running mate for the 2020 elections. When I woke up, I wondered why I was having a dream about his being re-elected when he was just beginning this term. The Lord then spoke to me and said, “What I intend to do through him will require two full terms. I need for you to run with him in the Spirit for this to happen.” I have sought to do this for President Trump, his family, his Cabinet and his administration.
During this time of seeking to be faithful to this mandate, I have sensed many things. Just recently, however, with a fresh understanding I have become aware of where I believe we are in President Trump’s tenure and in America as a nation. I share these prophetic ideas for the purpose of prayer strategies for us who desire God’s passion in our nation. God has led me to Psalm 2:1-6. These verses are heavily prophetic for the season and time we are in. The entire chapter is significant but these verses in particular embrace the scenario now present in our culture.
Why do the nations rage,/ and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord/ and against His anointed, saying, “Let us tear off their bonds
and cast away their ropes from us” (Ps. 2:-1-6).
The first thing the Lord said to me is, “President Trump has been set.” I know these verses are prophetic of Jesus and the place the Father has given Him. However the Lord used these verses to say to me that President Trump is “set” by Him. He will not be removed. They may rage, plot vain and unimaginable things, but they will not prosper. We see these things happening every day, but they will not be fruitful nor succeed. The reason is that God has “set” President Trump. In other words, if God is for us, who can be against us? (See Rom. 8:31). We as the church need to order our prayer this way. We must stand and pray that who God has set will not be uprooted nor removed. We are then standing in agreement with His Word over President Trump.