Spiritual Revival Sees Thousands Crying Out for Jesus by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
I’ve read reports that show Generation Z is the most conservative generation since the turn of the last century. They attend church far more than Millennials and seem to seek alternative views from corporate media. This is the single biggest reason the satanic globalist are attempting to shut down voices, like those at Gospel News Network, in order to better control these young people that are rejecting their lies, propaganda and false gods. We should all be hopeful for a bright future as the current child rearing generation is aborting itself from the conversation and within the next ten years the scales will begin to tip and loud mouth liberals will begin to silence themselves.
Will we see the trend below continue to grow? Without question our world is moving away from the satanic globalist agenda. Look no further than the world over – we are everywhere.
We are inspired by the report by Will Maule who produced a great piece for Faith Wire
Today, prayer will break out across thousands of America’s colleges. The annual “Collegiate Day of Prayer” (CDOP) takes place on the last Thursday of February and involves thousands of students coming together to worship the Lord Jesus. This year, it is expected that around 100,000 students will be involved in praying, with locations spanning some 3,000 college campuses.
What is it all about?
The event dates back to the 1800s and is rooted in the Second Great Awakening (1790-1845), which sparked a number of spiritual renewals within the student population. Thai Lam, CDOP facilitator and the national director for Luke18, said that the day of prayer was a “collaborative effort of many ministries coming together for the purpose of mobilizing students and the body of Christ to pray for college campuses.”
Collegiate Day of Prayer 2019 from Collegiate Day of Prayer on Vimeo. More at Faith Wire