3 Keys to a Thriving Quiet Time With Jesus

3 Keys to a Thriving Quiet Time With Jesus by RONNIE FLOYD for Charisma Mag

I believe one of the most essential parts of Christian discipleship is teaching people how to have a time with God daily. When my sons were in elementary school, I taught them these things.

If we can teach our son to throw a football or our daughter gymnastics, we can teach our children how to have a daily time with God. If we can teach our friends how to close a business deal or how to decorate a home, we can teach our friends how to walk with Christ daily.

I will stay brief today even though there is so much more to share.

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Component No. 1: Practice Prayer

Prayer is a conversation with God. Prayer is not just you talking to God, but it involves you listening to God. Daily, I begin my time with God in prayer. Practice prayer.

Whether you are a rookie or a seasoned veteran in your spiritual life, prayer is one of the great disciplines in the life of the believer. Develop your prayer life. Learn how to pray.

While I am no authority on prayer, I do pray and believe in the power of prayer. Prayer built upon the Scriptures takes it to another level.

Take the time to organize your prayer life. When you do, you will find your prayer life becoming much more meaningful and perhaps even extended.

Interweaving with prayer is the second component in my daily time with God, Bible reading.

Component No. 2: Read the Bible

The most transforming discipline in my walk with Christ is the daily reading of the Bible. Nothing is more powerful than the holy Scriptures. When the Scriptures speak, our God is speaking to us.

From my youngest years, I was taught the value of the Bible and its impact upon my life. Read the Bible daily.

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