Prevent cancer with proper diet: Compounds in turmeric, red grapes, berries, and apple peels found to shrink prostate tumors

Prevent cancer with proper diet: Compounds in turmeric, red grapes, berries, and apple peels found to shrink prostate tumorsby:  for Natural News

When it comes to prostate cancer, a lot of emphasis is placed on early screening. Many men know what signs to look out for, but few are aware that they can actually lower their risk simply by eating a few powerful foods.

Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin under the guidance of Stefano Tiziani set out to determine the effect of 142 different natural compounds on prostate cancer cells using a technique known as high-throughput screening. They discovered that the compounds found in foods like berries, red grapes, apple peels ad turmeric have the power to kill prostate cancer cells and reduce prostate tumors. While all are useful on their own, they discovered that using them in combination made their efficacy even greater.

The compounds in question are the resveratrol in berries and red grapes, ursolic acid from apple peels, and curcumin in turmeric. When these compounds were given to mice with prostate tumors together, the researchers found a synergistic effect on the volume and weight of their tumors, while the combination of curcumin and ursolic acid was the most effective when it came to halting tumor growth.

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When ursolic acid combines with resveratrol or curcumin, it stops prostate cancer cells from using the amino acid glutamine, which fosters their growth. Best of all, these compounds didn’t cause any negative side effects. Their findings were published in the journal Precision Oncology.

Although the concentration of the compounds used in the study was higher than what you’d normally get by eating the foods that contain them, it’s still significant. First, the findings point to natural remedies that can be developed to address prostate cancer, such as supplements or extracts made with these compounds, that could spare people needless suffering and help them avoid the side effects of conventional cancer medication.

In addition, it underscores the power of diet when it comes to preventing cancer and provides guidance to those who are concerned about specific types of cancer. Increasing your intake of foods like red grapes, berries, apples and turmeric might not get you the results seen in the study if you’re doing it casually, but these healthy foods could help lower your risk to some degree. Cancer is still very difficult to treat, so prevention remains essential.

Three powerful compounds

On top of that, these foods offer several other health benefits. For example, the ursolic acid in apple peels – which is also found in rosemary and thyme – is being explored for its therapeutic potential in diabetes, obesity, and diseases of the heart, liver and brain.

Resveratrol, meanwhile, enhances health in several ways. This antioxidant, which is also what gives red wine its health benefits, can help to lower blood pressure and protect the brain, slowing age-related cognitive decline. It can also help diabetes by decreasing inflammation and increasing insulin sensitivity.

Curcumin has a host of proven health benefits, making it one of the most effective nutritional supplements you can get. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory, which means it can protect against diseases caused by chronic inflammation like heart disease, metabolic syndrome, degenerative diseases and Alzheimer’s, in addition to cancer. It’s excellent for the brain, improving brain function and decreasing your risk of brain diseases. It can also help fight depression, showing results similar to those of Prozac in studies and enhancing its effects when taken alongside it. It’s also useful for addressing arthritis.

When it comes to preventing cancer, a healthy lifestyle overall – including an organic diet, stress management, and physical activity – is essential, and choosing foods that are rich in the right nutrients can go a long way toward stemming your risk of specific types of cancer.

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