Join 100s of Americans in Italy – World’s #1 Anti-Globalist, Pro-Family Conference – Salvini to Speak – March 29-31, Verona

Join 100s of Americans in Italy – World’s #1 Anti-Globalist, Pro-Family Conference – Salvini to Speak – March 29-31, Verona Fr. Joseph Gleason for Russia-Insider

Why you should try and get to the most important social conservative event of the year.

I am delighted to tell you about this truly wonderful event taking place in March, which I am planning to attend. The World Congress of Families (WCF) has been described by conservative commentator Dr. Steve Turley as “THE premier social conservative organization in the world today”, and I have to agree with him.

I don’t just want to tell you about this event, I want to urge you to attend! If we social conservatives are going to roll back the insanity being pushed by the progressive left – the gender-bending, ever more radical abortions, gay marriage, and the rest of it, then we need to network, to physically show up and make something happen, and not just tweet and complain online. This remarkable event in Verona is by far the best place to make our voice heard. We can learn from what other people are doing around the world, and take heart in the fact that we are in fact the majority of world opinion – something these conferences amply demonstrate. And pleasantly, it is not expensive to attend. General admission is only $10 per day, and there is ample affordable lodging available, and air travel is a bargain at this time of year. More below on costs.

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Piazza Bra, the view from the conference venue

The success of the WCF is reason for social conservatives to take heart, and to realize that the tide is, in fact, starting to turn in our favor. We still have a long way to go, but the pushback has started, and the WCF is THE event to learn about it.

Perhaps by luck, WCF, which was started and is led by American Christian conservatives, both Evangelicals and Catholics, had put in hard work over the last 20 years building relationships with their counterparts in Western and Eastern Europe, and when the now evident, extraordinary, anti-globalist, populist-nationalist, pro-Christian, pro-family global trend, or revolution really, broke out in earnest over the last decade, from Russia to France, WCF was right in the middle of it. They were in the right place at the right time, and they secured key government support for their events, with Viktor Orban of Hungary welcoming them to Budapest in 2017 and giving the keynote.


The conference venue – the Palace Gran Guardia on the Piazza Bra

The most powerful figure in this trend in Europe today, Matteo Salvini, a hero to the populist-national right and scourge of globalists, is welcoming them to his populist stronghold, Verona, ground zero for the anti-globalist uprising, and giving the keynote address. He is joined by an excellent roster of speakers (see below).

The WCF is absolutely detested by the LGBT lobby for their steadfast activism against this trend, and if you search them on Google, you will find hysterical attacks against them coming from this sector. In predictably Orwellian fashion, the Southern Poverty Law Center labeled them a ‘Hate Group’, which to my mind is a sure sign that these people are doing something right.

Interior of the Verona cathedral

The story of the WCF is such a great one, and there are so many things to explain about them, the great people involved, the impressive roster of speakers in Verona, that this is going to be a long article, but just sit back and enjoy it, because the WCF’s story is as admirable as it is inspiring. It is an important story not just for Christians, but for anyone uncomfortable with the relentless attacks on our societies and the family from the globalist left, the George Soros mentality. When researching the WCF for this article, I realized there was no one good comprehensive article which told their story, so I will try to do so here.

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