Charity Begins At Home by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
What you are about to read came about after reading an article where Nancy Pelosi delivered a speech and referenced Matthew 25. We completely disagree with Nancy Pelosi’s hypocrisy regarding the security of our nation, especially where her deeply hypocritical posturing has been on display, for the entire world to see, over the course of the past several months.
For the record – we see Nancy Pelosi as an globalist, hypocrite and bought-and-paid-for politician, which means she represents everyone except the actual citizens of the U.S.. We also would like to point out – statistics show – Christian churches in the U.S. are dying, while we see Christian churches around the world not only flourishing but actually expanding. Could this phenomenon have something to do with the company one keeps? Maybe if some of the evangelical organizations actually began separating themselves from globalist, like Nancy Pelosi, and began aligning with re-traditionalist, like Donald Trump, Christian churches in the U.S. would begin expanding as they are doing in so many other locations around the world. Just saying.
We have spent the past year digging deep into what is happening around the world and the expansion of the Christian church everywhere except the U.S. We have reported on this a number of times and have spilled much ink in covering this story. We were inspired by the Holy Spirit through the works of Dr. Steve Turley who has put forth an enormous amount of research and energy into what is happening right now. What is happening right now began several years ago in approximately 1999. It began with a whimper – the seemingly unimportant election of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, a deeply devout Christian. This changed everything.
We also saw, a few years later, the Occupy Wall Street movement where we witnessed a confused, out of sort, Christian response to what was happening. After the global movement known as Occupy fell apart we saw the Arab Spring uprising, which was quickly followed by BREXIT. Now we see a global movement that is gathering steam from the election of President Trump to the “Yellow Vest” in France to Italy to Brazil – Re-Traditionalization is taking root.
I do not “love” Russia, nor do I “love” Putin. What I do like are the massive changes Putin is bringing to the fore. These changes can not be denied and if one takes a serious look at what is actually happening – not what western corporate media tells us is happening – one will see a nation on the rise. This rising nation is not threatening any other nation – they are not bombing other nations, they are not threatening other nations with destruction or coercion. Russia is not invading other nations. Russia is simply going about their business and taking care of their country and their people – period.
What are various Christian organizations and their democrat friends doing in the U.S.? Are these organizations and so-called “representatives” actually representing U.S. citizens? Are they attempting to advance U.S. citizens and make life better or are they inviting the world to the lap of luxury funded by U.S. tax payers? We need hand-ups not hand-outs. We need to get back to “teaching a man to fish” instead of handing him with a fish. We need to take care of the people in our neighborhoods, our cities and our states before we invite another person to our neighborhood. This, from my perspective, is called charity and charity begins at home with the people we know and love.