A Bishop, A Rabbi and a Gay Man Walk into a Bar…

A Bishop, A Rabbi and a Gay Man Walk into a Bar… by Rory – The Daily Coin

As many of you know I have been, not only exploring the Spiritual side of my existence, but I have been sharing the adventure. Normally, I don’t like these long winded videos, however, I have a growing respect for Dave Rubin and the Rubin Report so I thought I would give his latest, full length video a shot. There are no words to describe my gratitude for this production.

This is one of those of the interviews that’s not an interview. It is three men discussing current events from a pastoral perspective. There is not as much “God” talk as your mind may tell you, but God is absolutely present in this conversation.

The first 20+ minutes is good, however, for me, the show starts around the 30-35 minute mark when the lid comes off and these gentlemen begin discussing meaning in our lives. What it looks like, what has happened and the truly fascinating part is the description of what is happening at this moment around the world and how we arrived at this point. The picture that is painted is spot-on and what is revealed will smack you in the face in such a way that you will never see it coming. When it happens…

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The conversation brings the name of Max Webb to the table. A man that died at 101 years of age. When Rabbi, David Wolpe, describes a part of his life, it literally took my breathe and tears flowed down my face as if a facet had been turned on. It probably won’t happen that way for you, it might…but it begins a segment of the conversation that is not to be missed.

If you hear that I was shot or hung, it might be true. If you hear that I starved, don’t believe it.

When I heard the words above I stopped the video, stopped what I was doing and began writing what you are now reading.


A Bishop and a Rabbi Discuss Religion, the Enlightenment, and Finding Meaning

Bishop Robert Barron and Rabbi David Wolpe join Dave to have a discussion about religion, the enlightenment, their agreements and disagreements, and more.

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