Atheism Not Christianity Has Killed More People Throughout History by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
Thank God for Christianity… Dinesh D’Souza reminds everyone of a very simple truth…dictators hiding behind their throne and murder millions of their own citizens are attempting to wipe out Christianity not build up a religion or a philosophy. These dictators have killed far more people, for the enemy I might add, than have Christian soldiers defending their right to worship. It is amazing how this very simple, yet, in-your-face fact gets twisted around and make the Christian community out to be a monster “killing for Christ” when it is the other way around – being killed for Christ.
I thank God every morning as soon as my eyes open for the blessings He showers my life. Maybe if some these agents of the enemy would ask Jesus to turn the heart of stone to flesh they, too, could experience a much deeper meaning in their lives. We will continue to pray for those that are lost and broken.
Thank God for Christianity.
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) January 30, 2019