Why John the Baptist Is a Great Example of Biblical Masculinity

Why John the Baptist Is a Great Example of Biblical Masculinity by MARK DRISCOLL – Charisma Mag

“And the child [John] grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his appearance to Israel” (Luke 1:80).

Today, we continue to examine seven ways in which John the Baptizer was, as Jesus said in Luke 7:28, the greatest man who has ever walked the earth.

  1. John made the invisible kingdom visible.

Zechariah’s prophesy mentions, “a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David” (Luke 1:69b). This is the ancient language of kingship.

King David was Israel’s most famous ruler. He ushered in a golden age unprecedented in the ancient world that continued on through his son and successor, King Solomon. This kingdom was only meant to foreshadow God’s true, perfect, forever kingdom where Jesus is the true, perfect, forever King.

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King Jesus told his disciples, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matt. 28:18). Jesus rules over all times, nations, places, cultures, languages, tribes and lifestyles of people. He rules over the angels and the demons. He rules over the rich and the poor, the living and the dead. The book of Revelation tells us that Jesus is already seated on the throne in heaven. His invisible kingdom will one day be established on the earth with his Second Coming, and the invisible kingdom will be made visible. In the meantime, what we see are the visible kingdoms of the earth.

In his prophecy, Zechariah describes God’s kingdom as marked by redemption, salvation, mercy, deliverance, holiness, righteousness, light, and peace. In contrast, he describes the kingdoms of the earth as “those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death” (Luke 1:79).

  1. John obeyed God’s call on his life.

Zechariah’s prophecy echoes Gabriel’s words in Luke 1:17, saying John “will go before the Lord to prepare his ways (Luke 1:76).

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