Spiritual Warfare: The Battle for Body, Mind and Spirit (Podcast)
Spiritual Warfare: The Battle for Heart, Mind and Soul by Rory – The Daily Coin
In 2002 my life changed. Had not everything stopped and a new path been taken odds are someone would have died. Maybe it would’ve been me, maybe it would’ve been someone else, but the odds of someone loosing their life was growing stronger with each passing day. No, I am not being overly dramatic. When you are an “anda”, alcoholic “anda” drug addict, people tend to die in your immediate vicinity. More than 70,000 people died from overdose in 2017 in the United States, so, no, I’m not being overly dramatic.
My life changed as the road had run out and I was looking over the cliffs edge. The good news is, Jesus Christ was looking back! When I came-to on December 6, 2002 and believed with every fiber of my being that I had actually killed someone, it was a moment that I will not soon forget. It took more than 3 hours to work up the courage to look out the window to see if my vehicle was in fact damaged and covered in blood. It was not. It didn’t change my resolve; my new course was set and there would nothing that could change my course on that fateful day.
This is just a glimpse into what brought me Home, to Jesus Christ, and set my feet on solid ground. Since that day I have done my best to honor the fact that I was pulled back from the edge, or, if you like, dragged from a raging fire.
I sat down with David, a brother-in-arms in our quest to deliver the Gospel. When I met David it was because he had a 3%’er sticker on his truck in the parking lot of the church we attend. I saw the sticker and got really excited as I knew that some of “my people’ were in attendance at the church I had decided to call home.
David, and his lovely wife, are partners at the church and it has been a great honor getting acquainted with them both. David, who has spent a great deal of time on mission for a variety of churches, found himself in a place that none of us would wish to be – a place that sounds a lot like the playground of the enemy. I wanted to learn more about this journey and how David sees the Spiritual War that is raging all around and through us.
We set the table by taking a look at where we stand in our world today. The spiritual war that is raging, what that means and how it works. We then turn our attention to a specific moment in time.
What you’re about to hear is a story of struggle, despair, hope and liberty. When Jesus liberates our souls we are truly free and the laws of man that grant freedom are washed away. If you have any idea of what is happening in our world, not just in the physical, but the spiritual as well, then, the next 35 minutes should be spent listening to this conversation. David offers a glimpse into what it’s like to be completely immersed in evil and liberated from darkness. David also describes how a loving God offers the breath of life that keeps a person from succumbing to the evil that surrounds us all right now.