Millions of Lives Are Ruined When Darkness Engulfs Light by Randolph Jason – Gospel News Network
When darkness began engulfing my life this is one of the tools that I used to help bring Light back to the fore. Worship has become one of the more important aspects of my life and beginning in very early 2019 there will be a New Horizon we seek. This new horizon will be discussed in great detail over the next 2-3 weeks.
It was about a year ago when the enemy was prowling around and making himself appear as a lion and I believed him. July 8, 2018, he was exposed as the piss-ant that he is and the One True God revealed Himself and set the table before my enemy and we feasted in a glorious meadow of love and light. The enemy has been re-tooling ever since, but every time the enemy moves to the left, Jesus is moving me to the right. This is how the battle is won. Jesus sets the table, fights the battle and brings us the head of the enemy – we worship. Sounds silly, I know, but so many other attempts at living life have turned out to be silly as well, and honestly, wouldn’t you agree?
I understand the 3-4 people that actually read this or even bother to click it are probably laughing and you may be questioning why you continue to support this website and that’s okay. There is always a way, a new horizon where truth lives and lies are conquered.
“All my fears and doubts, they can all come too, because they can’t stay long when I’m here with You.”