Mexico Introduces Bill to Legalize Abortion On Demand After Pressure From UN

Mexico Introduces Bill to Legalize Abortion On Demand After Pressure From UN by JONATHAN ABBAMONTE – Life News

GNN Note – The first question is – why is the United Nations pressuring any nation to legalize abortion? Further proof the UN is nothing more than a front to push satanic globalist agendas.


Lawmakers in Mexico’s Congress have introduced a bill which seeks to legalize abortion on demand up to 12 weeks gestation, and later in cases of health of the mother and when the unborn child suffers from a severe disability.

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A bill to legalize abortion up to 12 weeks was introduced on October 23rd in the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of Mexico’s Congress. The bill has been referred to the Commission of Justice and the Commission of Gender Equality in the lower house for consideration and also to the Commission on Human Rights and the Commission on Health for their opinions on the legislative proposal.


On December 21, the Commission on Human Rights became the first committee to approve the bill, issuing a favorable opinion on the initiative. The bill is set to be considered by each of the other commissions in turn later this year.

The bill’s author, congresswoman Lorena Villavicencio Ayala, is from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) party, the new majority party that was ushered into the Mexican Congress last September following the national elections in 2018.

Currently, abortion is by and large illegal in most all of Mexico. Federal law in the country prohibits abortion except in cases of rape or to save the life of the mother. However, Mexico has a federal system of government similar to that of the United States, and several Mexican states allow for exemptions in other cases as well.

About half of states in Mexico permit abortion in cases of health of the mother, or in cases of fetal disability, or both. And two states, Michoacán and Yucatán, allow abortion for socioeconomic reasons. In 2007, Mexico City became the first and only jurisdiction in the country to legalize abortion on demand up to 12 weeks gestation. Mexico’s Supreme Court later upheld Mexico City’s abortion law in 2008.

If passed into law, Villavicencio’s bill would amend Mexico’s federal penal code to legalize abortion on demand up to 12 weeks nationwide. It would also permit the direct termination of the life of an unborn child in cases where the mother’s health is at risk or when the child suffers from a severe disability.

The legislative proposal would also seek to remove legal penalties on persons who intentionally abort their unborn child. Currently, Mexico’s penal code imposes a penalty of six months to five years in prison for anyone who voluntarily and intentionally has an abortion. The new bill would reduce this sentence to only 3–6 months of community service and would prohibit states from imposing prison sentences on anyone who has an intentional illegal abortion.

Moreover, the bill would further amend federal law to state that “the denial or postponement of abortion without risk” and “the forced continuation of [ ] pregnancy” amount to “institutional violence against women.” If adopted, the revised statutes could allow the courts to interpret the law more broadly in the future by allowing abortion in a wider array of circumstances than what even the abortion bill proposes.

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