Three Years of “Russiagate” – Another essential update on The New Cold War (Podcast)

Three Years of “Russiagate” – Another essential update on The New Cold War (Podcast) via T F Metals Report

John Batchelor and Professor Cohen recorded another excellent discussion again last evening and they update us on the futility and hysteria of the continuing “Russiagate” investigation. Keep in mind that we are now nearing three full years of allegations and innuendo yet there is still no concrete evidence and no formal charges.

As John and Steve speculate, all of this is simply another front on The New Cold War where Russia is the essential enemy and boogeyman. This New Cold War is essential to the maintenance of power for The War Party and, as such, they will do anything to promote it.

Thanks to John and Steve for all their efforts over the past five years and thanks to John for battling through his ongoing flu virus. Professor Cohen has summarized the past five years of these discussions and compiled them in his new book, “War With Russia“. If you’re new to TFMR or have otherwise missed these weekly podcasts, you should be sure to purchase the book. Here’s an easy link:…

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Thanks for listening and staying on top of this very dangerous situation.


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